First Posted on Jun 02, 2013 by Vivienne Bartle
Fibre and Disease
Fibre is very relevant to health, and when we talk about fibre then we need to talk about the colon. I first learnt how valuable the colon was to health nearly 30 years ago through the teachings of Dr. Bernard Jenson. His teachings were, that all disease starts from the colon.
To quote Don Tolman – “Do you have a River of Life OR a River of Death?”
By getting your colon functioning properly you can WASH away more than 50 ailments and illnesses and clear them right out of your body.
Medical research shows that a lack of exercise and a poor diet can lead to the following conditions:-
- Acid stomach
- bad breath,
- colon and colorectal cancer
- constipation
- coronary Artery Disease
- Adult Onset Diabetes
- Diverticula Disease
- Duodenal Ulcers
- Headaches
- Heartburn
- High Blood Pressure
- Kidney Stones
- Obesity
- Periodontal Disease
- Psoriasis
- Prostate Cancer
- Reflux
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Varicose Veins
- Ulcers
Some of the greatest benefits of whole foods are the seven fibres that they deliver to those who eat them. Fibre is the only form of exercise that some organs and body systems receive – Life is Movement – when there is no movement you die!
I am always horrified when I talk to some clients and they only have a bowel movement once or twice a week. One client recently was 27 days without any movement – if that’s not bad enough, when they mention this to their doctor, they have said “if that is normal for you then it is normal”. If I ever come across a doctor like that – I would be changing doctors quick smart, as he /she doesn’t have my best interest at heart.
When you only have 1 or 2 bowel movements a week you are taking in 10 – 21 meals a week that is compacting and putrefying in your colon. This is making you very sick – not only does it lead to the diseases mentioned but also arthritis, poor eyesight, acne, puffy eyes, asthma, gout, autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis and various other skin disorders.
People who live a long time generally don’t suffer the physical ailments just listed – WHY – it is generally due to “transit” time.
Transit time, is the time it takes once you eat something to go all the way through the digestive system and out the other end. The longer it stays in the system the more toxic your system becomes – the sicker you get – you start to feel old even if you are young.
Much of the food we eat today has been fragmented, chemically altered and unnaturally preserved. In addition we eat non-food substitutes as if they were the real thing – aspartame, saccharin, fake fats, artificial textures, artificial colours and pharmaceutical drug additives.
We have developed such a love affair with puddings, ice cream, gravies, sugary foods, pastries and pasta, along with enormous amounts of meat and soft drinks – all leading to an escalation of obesity, cancer and degenerative diseases. All these foods are virtually fibre free costing us dearly in health, energy and life.
Toxic compounds created by putrefaction include: bile salts, volatile fatty acids, heavy metals, botulin and ammonia to name a few.
Dietary fibre can prevent and remove obesity
There are two types of fibre:
Soluble and insoluble
Soluble fibre is found in psyllium, beans, apples, pears, oat bran etc. – it is digestible, doesn’t bulk and can slow down the rate at which food is digested and secreted.
Insoluble Fibre remains undigested and promotes a faster “transit time” it passes through the intestines intact and virtually unchanged.
The texture of the fibre stimulates movement and generates energy
- They keep the bowel clean
- They help to bind dangerous toxins and hormones for better excretion
- Foster regularity
- Contribute to better digestion
- Prevent constipation
- Help lower the risk of bowel cancer.
Insoluble fibre is usually found in crunchy, woody stems, stalks and peels of fruit and vegetables skins. The bran or seed covering of whole grains is another type of insoluble fibre.
Foods with great fibre content
Citrus fruits, grapes, apples, bananas, green beans, cabbage, carrots, beets, brazil nuts, lima beans, broccoli, wheat bran, whole grains, pears and corn, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, wheat and flax seed
FIBRE acts as a pound of prevention and a tone of cure.
To finish off – generally we overeat, eating far more than we need to to sustain a healthy life – when you eat I want you to consider – what are you floating down your river today?