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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia


The effects of scarring on the body can extend far beyond the area of the original injury. Scar tissue is fibrous and non elastic and can create tension on surronding areas.  This can effect mobility and cause pain for the afflicted person.

A gentle non-surgical solution to scar tissue complications this treatment uses specific gentle pressure movements to work the collagen fibres in the skin to release restrictions in the effected areas. Can be used to treat a wide range of scars including:

  • Caesarean scars
  • Mastectomy, reduction or enhancement scars
  • Hysterectomy scars
  • Abdominal and appendix scars
  • Keyhole surgery scars including some internal scarring
  • Joint surgery scars
  • Heart surgery scars
  • Traumatic injury scars

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