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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia


Many people who suffer from inflammatory skin conditions like acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea or extreme sensitivities find that many of the conventional treatments available do not successfully manage their skin symptoms effectively. And if you are concerned about how your skin is ageing, if it has pigmentation, redness, broken capillaries, or dryness we also have good news for you. There is now a place that integrates internal and external modalities to give you real results.


Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It functions to eliminate toxins, regulate body temperature and protect the inside of the body from potential invading micro-organisms. The body literally sheds millions of skin cells every day and completely replaces itself roughly every 27 days depending on your age and lifestyle choices. This means that if you improve the factors that are contributing to your skin problems, then dramatic improvements to your skin should start to be seen within just one to two months.


Creating healthy skin is NOT just about applying creams and lotions onto your skin to make a problem go away – you also need to address the underlying factors that could be contributing to the problem. At Cinergee we can provide a personalised treatment program to address the specific underlying causes of your individual condition and assist you in feeling happier and healthier from the inside out, and the outside in.