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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia

Tanning without Chemicals at the best Beauty Salon in Launceston

All year round we seem to have this obsession with having a beautiful bronzed glow. And with the shortest day now past us and the weather will be getting warmer we will tend to be exposing more of our skin. Let us not forget those school balls and functions so not stop with the frost! No one likes looking pasty and that moon tan just hasn’t seemed to catch on. Luckily, we can now get that ultimate summer glow whenever you want, without having to damage our skin any further from those harmful uv rays in summer or the current alternative of breathing in chemicals with a spray tan.

We use only products with no nasties or harmful chemicals – Eco Tan and Three Warriors

So what do you do to get a safe bronzing of the skin?

Solariums are out – outlawed in Tasmania in 2013 http://www.examiner.com.au/…/tasmania-to-outlaw-use-of-sol…/

Spray tans, I predict to be the next big health crisis for the industry due to inhalation of large molecules into the lungs. The chemicals used in these products may be natural, but in the lungs, and in the quantities they arrive in……..that’s not healthy!

That just leaves self-tanning, but that can be a pain with missed bits and dry skin patches, all those horror orange stories……

OR it can be a very pleasant half an hour exfoliation and massage treatment done at Cinergee. What a perfect way to get the sun-kissed look with organic, vegan products…..no nasties even children, babies and pregnant women can use these products.

Our Summer Glow treatment is hands on – you won’t find us spraying you, so nothing to do but relax and enjoy….

a great way to fill the lunchtime break @ $72.00.

Clients who have already experience this treatment say it is sooooo much better than a spray tan because you get to relax at the same time.

P.S. If you would rather do your own tanning at home then we have the full range of Self-Tan products for you to purchase and have an everlasting beautiful tan all year long without the risk of any nasties on the skin