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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia

Henna Brows

At Cinergee Launceston, we offer high quality natural henna brow tinting. Henna brows a popular beauty treatment that involves using natural henna dye to enhance and define the eyebrows. This technique not only adds color to the brows but also helps to fill in sparse areas, creating a fuller and more defined look. Henna brow tinting is a great alternative to traditional eyebrow tinting methods, as it offers longer-lasting results and is free from harsh chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia . Discover the art of henna brow tinting and achieve beautifully shaped and tinted eyebrows that will enhance your natural beauty.

The benefits of henna tinting:

  • Natural eyebrow tinting with tattoo effect on the skin
  • Makes brows appear fuller
  • Gentle and innovative formulation
  • Stays on hair for up to 5 weeks
  • Vegan and Cruelty free

Henna Brows Price

Henna Brow Tint $39.00
Henna Brow Tint & Brow Shape $49.00
Henna Brow Tint & Eyelash Tint $56.00
Henna Brow Tint, Eyelash Tint & Brow Shape $62.00


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