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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia

Is anyone suffering from over-indulgence over the Australia Day long week-end, this may be just what you need. This five-day cleanse is designed to help bloated-middle body types repair the damage caused by sugar, fat and alcohol.

This cleanse is best for the bloated-middle body type. If you experience midsection bloating, the alcohol, fatty foods and processed sugar in your diet could be to blame. Help your body repair the damage caused by these foods with this five-day cleanse.

Basic Structure
Length: 5 days

Liquid meal: shake
Lunch: Solid meal
Dinner: Liquid meal: shake or soup
Snacks: Veggies, 1 cup of almonds or 1 cup of berries

Key Rules
No Grains: Avoid wheat, rice, oats, barley, quinoa and all other grains
No Processed Food: Avoid white sugar, brown sugar, Splenda®, Equal®, and agave
Avoid Alcohol: Avoid all types of alcohol
Focus on Probiotics: Take a multi-spectrum probiotic (50 billion count) once a day

Eat These Foods
Whole vegetables
Greens and fresh vegetable juices
Sweet potatoes and yams
Wild fish, grass-fed meats and eggs
Fermented foods
Nuts, seeds and nut butters
Avocado and coconut
Fresh and frozen berries
Whole fruits
Small amounts of caffeine in the form of green tea

Meal Plan
Day 1
Breakfast: Grasshopper Shake
Lunch: Lamb Tacos
Dinner: Cucumber Dill Bisque with Hard Boiled Eggs

Day 2
Breakfast: Green Coco Shake
Lunch: Amazing Green Salad with Black Olives, Avocado and Almonds
Dinner: Thai Coconut Chicken Soup

Day 3
Breakfast: Vanilla Almond Shake
Lunch: Thai Chicken Salad
Dinner: Carrot Parsnip Soup

Day 4
Breakfast: Chocolate Ginger Shake
Lunch: Thai Coconut Chicken Soup
Dinner: Acorn Wedges with Asian Broccoli Salad

Day 5
Breakfast: Purple Shake
Lunch: Local Vegetable Frittata
Dinner: Euro Nut Shake

Source: Clean Gut by Dr. Alejandro Junger