The reason we use PHOTOBIOMODULATION is many-fold but in a nutshell, it is to bring the skin into balance.
Any time the skin out-of-balance like; inflamed, swollen, scarred, post-surgery healing, acne and other inflamed skin conditions like rosacea, pre-mature ageing, burns like sun-burn or a burn from scalding or a flame. It is extremely effective in healing the skin as well as regeneration, it is also very effective for leg ulcers in the elderly, second degree burns, and for swollen joints and inflamed arthritis. It is brilliant for healing accidental injuries like in motor vehicle accidents, or injuries that involve the face or body. All in all, it is a healthy option for the skin.
30 minutes $85.00
45 Minutes $100.00
60 Minutes $125.00

This shows the effects of photobiomodulation on an 8 week old baby with second degree burns to the face. First photo is day after the burn and second photo is day 7. 6 sessions of 10 minutes were performed along with the use of manuka honey