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Call Today: 6334 6885 indulge@cinergee.com.au 69a George St, Launceston TAS 7250, Australia

Help for Carpel Tunnel!

Hi, I read on a site I found on google that you do massage for carpal tunnel. Can you tell me how much and what’s involved in this. Thanks Selina

This is a recent question as answered below:

Hi Selina, I am not sure what you have read, but our speciality is remedial realignment massage which balances chronic muscle patterns from mis-use or over-use creating tension across joints and leading to eventual problems.
Working with carpal tunnel is what is included in our hand massage as part of an overall balance of the body. Tension in the hands will travel up the arm leading to shoulder issues, neck and eventually affects lower back by association. Tension in the hands, believe it or not, can also come from the pelvis or even the feet.

When we work, we start on the front at the feet and work the whole body releasing muscle tension as we move around the body. The result is improved flexibility and reduced tension throughout the whole system. We tend not to isolate individual areas as where pain is being registered, will usually be the end result of chronic muscle patterns and not necessarily the cause.

Our realignment massage involves an initial consultation where we do a postural assessment and go through your medical history plus a treatment and will cost $105.00. Follow up sessions are for an hour and the cost is $85.00. If the pelvis is out of alignment, although we do not do skeletal alignment, by releasing the muscles, we find the alignment will come back into balance.

As part of the treatment we will continually recommend certain changes that may be required or even exercises or stretches depending on what issues are found. We have incredible success rate with most problems and have a very high referral rate for business. I have perfected this technique over 30 years in the industry and teach it to my regular staff.

I hope this answers your questions. This treatment, if performed by me, is covered by health rebates